


2014-6-5 16:37| 发布者: Delta| 查看: 6487| 评论: 0

ITP Diet Suggestions (From PDSA WEBSITE)

It is important to eat well to help regain your health.

In our Survey of Non-Traditional Treatments in ITP ( about 40% of the responders reported some improvement in their bleeding symptoms and their platelet count with either the macrobiotic diet or the diet recommended in “Eat Right for Your Type” by Dr.Peter J. D’Adamo. Less success was reported for the Atkins, Zone, high protein, and low carbohydrate diets.

If you would like to implement some of the diet changes listed in this article, please make the
changes slowly so your body can adjust. Sometimes diet changes can cause withdrawal and
detoxification symptoms as your body processes the new foods and eliminates the old.
These suggestions are guidelines only. Be sure to discuss any diet changes with your physician.

1. Eat a wide variety of fresh food
Maximize the value of each bite. Eat food from as close to the source as possible and as
soon as possible. Avoid canned and frozen foods and leftovers. The nutritional value of
food deteriorates with time. A wide variety of food assures your body gets the variety of
nutrients it needs.

2. Avoid wheat products
Eat a wheat and/or gluten-free diet. Rely on whole grains such as brown rice, millet or
quinoa that do not contain gluten. Reduce the amount of white rice and processed
grains. Processed grains are stripped of their natural nutrient-rich coating. Gluten may
exacerbate autoimmune diseases in individuals sensitive to the substance.
吃小麦和/或无面筋的饮食。日常食用的谷类比如糙米,小米 或藜麦,要确保不含有面筋。要减少精制白米和深加工的谷类的食用数量。加工过的谷类会脱掉它们天然的营养丰富的壳。面筋可能会恶化自身免疫系统疾病,当然这取决于对此物质的个体敏感程度。

3. Eat organic foods
Eat un-sprayed foods grown using natural fertilizers. Some pesticides and herbicides
have been shown to exacerbate autoimmune diseases and lower platelets. Additives
and preservatives can increase the disease-causing free radicals in your body.

4. Reduce sugar
Reduce the amount of white refined sugar as well as fructose, corn syrup, honey and
other sweeteners. Limit fruit and fruit juice. Sugar contributes to an acidic disease promoting
body condition.

5. Reduce dairy products
Reduce or eliminate milk, cheese, ice cream, and yogurt from your diet based on your
reaction to these foods and other dietary needs. Dairy foods have been shown to
contribute to mucus formation and exacerbate some autoimmune diseases.

6. Eat healthy fats
Use cold pressed oils such as olive or canola in cooking and baking. Avoid
hydrogenated, partially hydrogenated or trans-fats. These contribute to free radical
damage. Reduce the amount of deep fried food which also adds to the free radical load.

7. Eat green
Eat as many leafy greens as possible, especially kale and collards. Add sea vegetables
(sea weed) to your diet. These choices contain large amounts of calcium, minerals, and
vitamin K to help clotting.

8. Limit meat
Rely on lean, white fish, whole grains and beans and some nuts for protein. Meat is
often laced with residual antibiotics, hormones, and saturated fat.

9. Avoid problem foods
Avoid alcoholic beverages which can damage bone marrow. Reduce the amount of
blueberries, red/purple grape products, garlic, onions, ginger, ginseng, and tomatoes.
These foods can interfere with blood clotting. Avoid food and drinks containing
quinine. These can lower platelets.

10. Avoid allergic foods
Many people have delayed food allergies that produce vague and difficult-to-diagnose
symptoms. If you don’t feel well, consider having a food allergy test.

11. Chew your food well
Chewing each bite until it is liquid can aid digestion, aid the passage of nutrients into
your blood stream, and promotes healthy alkaline blood chemistry.

12. Drink pure warm water
Drink plenty of filtered or bottled water at room temperature or above. Taking periodic
sips of hot water can cleanse impurities from the body. Ice water can slow and hinder
the digestive process. Tap water may contain small amounts of chemicals that are


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